Full Name
Ms Rahama Wright
Job Title
Founder & CEO
Yeleen Enterprises
Speaker Bio
Rahama Wright is a dis-nguished former Peace Corps volunteer who has
leveraged her passion for social change to become the Founder and CEO of Shea
Yeleen, a trailblazing social impact beauty brand. With an unwavering
commitment to ethical prac-ces, Wright has created a business model that
resides at the convergence of beauty, women’s economic empowerment, and
transforma-ve trade policy. Her endeavors are centered on fostering significant
opportuni-es for women across the supply chain in both the United States and
Through Shea Yeleen’s partnerships with women-owned coopera-ves in Ghana,
the company has built an African supply chain enabling more than 800 women to
earn over five -mes the local minimum wage, resul-ng in economic and
community development. Shea Yeleen dis-nguishes itself by helping women
process raw materials into value added products ensuring their access to
increased benefits and financial returns.
As Wright’s entrepreneurial journey has evolved from bootstrapping to raising
capital and securing retail placement for her products, she has emerged as an
influen-al voice on U.S.–Africa trade. She has served on the U.S. President’s
Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa since its establishment in 2014, cochairing since 2022. In 2022, Wright was appointed to the US Trade
Representa-ve Trade Advisory CommiWee on Africa (TACA) for a four-year term.
A sought-aZer speaker, Wright has graced the stages of the United Na-ons,
Sustainable Brands, and the World Bank, championing the nexus of
entrepreneurship, sustainability, and social impact. Wright's leadership and vision
have been recognized with numerous awards, notably being named DC Maker of
the Year, a Tory Burch Fellow, Halcyon Fellow, and a McKinsey Next 1B Founder.
Her interna-onal experiences, spanning 36 countries, have shaped her worldview
and influenced her business prac-ces, promo-ng cultural understanding and
global coopera-on. She is a resident of Washington, DC, and a proud alumnus of
SUNY Geneseo, holding a BA in Interna-onal Affairs and Poli-cal Science. Shea
Yeleen's products, which are synonymous with ethical beauty and impacdul
purpose, are available at popular retailers like Macy’s, MGM Resorts, Amazon, and select Whole Foods Market.
Rahama Wright