The Business of Aviation in Africa
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Julian Pecquet Sosten Gwengwe Henok Teferra Shawl Peter Sullivan Lulu Leungo Rasebotsa Chaitan Jain

The Business of Aviation in Africa session will assemble a distinguished group of industry leaders, policymakers, financiers, and experts to deliberate on prospects for shared growth and advancement. The session will cover a diverse range of topics, including the expansion of air connectivity and the cultivation of innovation and partnerships within the aviation value chain, aiming to enhance collaboration between American and African aviation enterprises. The primary objective is to delve into a comprehensive exploration of the diverse opportunities that lie ahead, promising mutual growth and development within the aviation sector. This gathering serves as a platform for dissecting not only the potential benefits but also the challenges and strategies that can shape a robust, intercontinental aviation relationship. 

Location Name
ROOM D163/D165
Full Address
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas - D HALL
650 S Griffin St.
Dallas, TX 75202
United States
Session Type