Unleashing Digital Banking & Payment Systems to Drive Growth
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Zekarias Amsalu Cynthia Gnassingbe - Essonam Salvador Perez-Galindo Jason Marshall

Innovations in digital financial transactions are reshaping the global business landscape, and nowhere more so than on the African continent. In the absence of a single currency and harmonized financial regulations, digital currencies and payment platforms increasingly catalyze entrepreneurial activities particularly in multi-national trade & investment, as well as the $95 billion (2022) remittances in-flow from the African diaspora abroad. Yet, national restrictions on financial services and movement of capital create serious impediments to business and investment activities. Efforts to develop continent-wide and globally connected solutions to facilitate international business relationships include development of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Protocol on Digital Trade, as well as the launch of the Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS).  This dynamic landscape propels trade and investment relationships with the private sector playing a pivotal role as a driving force behind economic growth.  This panel will discuss the practical implications of and potential for digital cross-border payment systems expansion to revolutionize financial transactions and banking services in Africa as a critical element to attract foreign direct investment and stimulate intra-Africa and global trade.

Location Name
Full Address
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas - D HALL
650 S Griffin St.
Dallas, TX 75202
United States
Session Type